Michael Baggott - Wrestling - MichaelBaggott

Michael Baggott
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Michael Baggott
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Michael enjoyed serveral sports over the years, but I think he spent more years wrestling than anything else. I think I took more photos of his wrestling than Tae Kwon Do or other sports, and I think enjoyed watching him wrestling more than any other sport.  My favorite thing was seeing how he would seem to win a match when I thought he would lose.  Some wrestlers would give up too easy, not Michael.  I also like the fact that after almost every match he was quick to shake his opponents hand, or give them a hug.  No matter how tough the match had been he kept the right attitude.  Win or Lose.  He was always working hard to get better.
Michael Baggott
Copyright forever - Dennis Baggott - Michael Baggott's Dad - All Rights Reserved
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